International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Droseraceae gland and germination patterns revisited: support for recent molecular phylogenetic studies
Conran, John G. and Gunta Jaudzems and Neil D. Hallam
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 36(1):14-20
Published 22 March 2007
Droseraceae germination and leaf gland and microgland character state patterns were re-examined in the light of new molecular phylogenetic relationships. Phanerocotylar germination is basal in the family, with cryptocotylar germination having evolved at least twice; once in Aldrovanda, and again in Drosera within the Bryastrum/Ergaleium clade. Gland patterns also support major clades; with the Bryastrum clade taxa having marginal and Rorella-type glands whereas the terminal branch of the Drosera clade had marginal glands and most of the clade possessed biseriate type 3 glands. The gland and germination patterns are supported by growth habit features, suggesting that the family and the main clades within Drosera in particular have undergone major adaptive radiations for these characters.
Keywords: physiology: Aldrovanda, Dionaea, Drosera
Article Citation
Conran, John G. and Gunta Jaudzems and Neil D. Hallam. 2007. Droseraceae gland and germination patterns revisited: support for recent molecular phylogenetic studies. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 36(1):14-20.
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