International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Drosera spatulata var. gympiensis: The Formal Description of the 'Hairy Sepal' Taxon from South-Eastern Queensland

Gibson, Robert and Ivan Snyder

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 34(2):56-60
Published 9 June 2005

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Since the publication of Adrian Slack's first book in 1980 the world has become aware of morphological variation within Drosera spatulata throughout its geographical range. One novel variant that made a dramatic entrance into the horticultural world has short scapes less than 10 cm tall. which end in a congested raceme of large pink-petalled flowers. The peduncle, pedicels and sepals are conspicuously covered with pilose white hairs. This taxon has informally been known as the 'hairy sepal form' and very little has been published about it, particularly its ecological niche. This article is intended to at least partially address this data gap with a formal description of this variant and observations of it in the wild.

Keywords: new taxa: Drosera spatulata, Queensland (Australia); observations: Drosera spatulata, Queensland (Australia)

Article Citation

Gibson, Robert and Ivan Snyder. 2005. Drosera spatulata var. gympiensis: The Formal Description of the 'Hairy Sepal' Taxon from South-Eastern Queensland. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 34(2):56-60.

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