International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Sarracenia flava L. varieties
Schnell, Donald
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 27(4):116-120
Published 9 December 1998
I recognize seven varieties of S. flava worthy of naming, the remaining color and vein presentations of a seeming spectrum in some locations being varietal hybrids or backcrosses, or ecophenes. Five of these--predominantly in the Atlantic coastal plain--were studied and presented in my 1978 paper with informal designations applied until further library research' could match older formal varietal designations to some of these. One is given the 'default' varietal designation var. flava, three are matched with previous formal descriptions and varietal names, and one new formal varietal description herein published. On the Gulf Coast, not covered in my 1978 paper, two unique genetic varieties are discerned, one matching a previously published varietal epithet, and the second being formally described here in. All seven of these varieties can now be referred to by formal, accurate varietal names, and there should no longer be confusion about what epithet applies to what variant.
Keywords: field studies: Sarracenia flava; new taxa: Sarracenia flava var. cuprea, Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora
Article Citation
Schnell, Donald. 1998. Sarracenia flava L. varieties. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 27(4):116-120.
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